Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Ever wonder why doors have handles?  Basically for two reasons.  One, so that the person on the inside can lock the door to keep others out and two, so that the door won’t just open without someone wanting it to.

Jesus Christ stands at the “door” knocking today.  He wants to come in and spend time with you.  He is a gentleman so He won’t come in without you opening the door…He is knocking… Rev. 3:10 says “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Since Christ is knocking why don't we open the door of our heart and let Him in?  Perhaps it is because we feel unworthy, guilty, or are ashamed.  The enemy of our soul, (our will, mind, and emotions) spends most of His time bombarding us with these thoughts of just not being good enough.  However the Word of God, our standard for living, tells us that we can enter the throne room of God by the blood of the lamb.  It's simple.  If you have fallen short in your relationship with God just ask him to forgive you.  He is faithful and just and Jesus already paid the price for your sins.

So today receive His love, forgiveness and mercy.  Open the door of your heart and let Him come in with His peace and joy. He is knocking...