Biblical Teaching Luke and John

JSN is honored to offer teachings from one of the Greatest know Bible Teachers in the Body of Christ. Dr. F. J. MAY was Professor of Pastoral Studies at the Church of God Theological Seminary, Cleveland, Tennessee, 1975-June 30, 2000 when he retired. He served as special speaker In Church Growth and Bible Conferences in several countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Germany, England, South Korea, Haiti and Guatemala.

Served on Board of Directors of Lee University 1968-76. Executive Council Member of the Church of God: 1980-84, 86-90, 96-2000.

Served as Bible Teacher-Preacher in the Wednesday evening services at the North Cleveland Church of God for over 20 years. Where he also taught the Bible in the Unity Sunday School Class each Sunday.

He preached series of expository sermons from 60 books of the Bible, plus several books twice, for a total of 1208 sermons to date. 

Written work: Have written Sunday School Adult Teacher's Quarterly and articles for the Church of God Evangel, Lighted Pathway and the Pentecostal Minister. Wrote a chapter in the book: Church Growth: State of the Art, edited by C. Peter Wagner. Wrote a book: The Book of Acts and Church Growth and several Bible study guides and books of sermon outlines.

Enjoy and Be Enriched by the powerful teaching of the Books of Luke and John!